Free Consultation    0208 150 7220


If It Fit's We'll Get It In!

We are safe in the knowledge that with our
depth of experience we can move, position &
install anything!

Our problem solving mindsets combined with
hands on experience in a vast selection of
specialised and standard lifting equipment,
makes us the go-to contractor for all Lift and
Shift requirements.

The Ability To Deliver when
Others Can't

If we set out to resolve your Machinery
Movement requirements we will find the best
solution. We will deliver on time, in budget, and in
a safe and reasonably practical manner.

Why Choose Us For Machinery Movement?

Experienced, dedicated, and highly motivated
machinery movement specialists. 

​​We have everything you’ll need; Movement equipment,
Lifting equipment &amp lifting accessories.

​​We can offer rapid response machinery movement solutions
to sites across London and the South-East at
short notice.​

We also offer machinery protection services to
eliminate potential damage to equipment during the 

machinery movement and installation process.